Friday, November 23, 2012

happy birthday kaiyuan!


Not sure if she will read this or not (my best friend don't really care about my life :( ), but still a post dedicated to her!


It had been 10 years since we know each other. Throughout these  10 years, we had a lot of ups and downs together. We laughed, we cried, we fought, we argued, but end of the day we still know how much we treasure each other and got back together. To me, she's more than a friend. Sometimes, she is like a mother to me, being all motherly and helping me pack my stuff etc. Sometimes, she is like a boyfriend to me (this sounds weird but yes its true!), I can share my deepest secret with her and not worrying about being judge. Maybe it's because we spent 10 years together, I don't have to hide my true self in front of her, she knows how I'm REALLY like (I admit I tend to behave differently in front of different people), and not worrying about her being unhappy with my 公主病 and my 大小姐 and my craziness.

I'm not allowed to post old photos in Secondary School because the girl threatened me with my weakest point :'( But here are other pictures over the years that are better looking!

In 2010

In 2012

And to my dear girl,

It's quite a pity that we are in different school now. But still all the best to you in SMU, and let's work hard together in our respective University! ^^ I'm really glad that although we are in different school now and didn't have the time to meet, we are still close as ever, and you are always the first one I thought about when I have problems. Really can't wait to see how we will become in the future, but no matter what happen we always have each other! Don't be so emo milo over certain things, because I'm tired of listening to the same shit LOL. I really hope you will be back to the same old happy and cheerful Kaiyuan!

Happy birthday! Best Friends Forever :) 

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