Monday, November 26, 2012

The end.

So end of funeral, and it's the real goodbye to my grandma. Couldn't control my tears when she was sent for cremation, it's like she's really gone forever. 1 week was all it took to take her away from us, from her hospitalization to the day she was gone.

And so, I touched more incense papers and joss sticks than my notes and books haha! Don't know how to die for exams larh. And I really touched by my boyfriend, he was there at the wake whenever he was free, even when all he did there was accompanying me from far while I was in the rituals. It's good to know that he's there for me at this difficult time of my life :). And I'm glad he gets along well with relatives, even I don't talk to some of them but he did. 

"You were the greatest thing that ever happened to me", absolutely true! I'm so dependent on him now that I won't know what to do without him. And in a few hours' time, happy 3rd month to both of us! :) But we will only be seeing each other in 11 days time, because of the damn fieldcamp! #IhateNS :(

And it's exam day 1, and 2 papers down and 2 more to go! Uni exams are really killer, that I gave up on my grades already!

And the funny thing is, suddenly during the exam, i blanked out for 3 minutes and started reflecting on my life. I DON'T KNOW WHY BUT IT JUST CAME TO MY MIND. I suddenly asked myself, why am I doing here in the exam hall? Why am I sitting for this paper? Why am I doing something I dislike? Why am I so unhappy but yet working so hard for it? Then I remembered, this is Singapore, you can't go far without a degree. So suck thumb and finish the paper, and continue studying for the rest of the 2 and a half years lo! T.T