Monday, August 13, 2012


So, I went for the second part of NUS BIZ Orientation last Monday! 

I'm in Savanna, and most of the people are my future classmates. And surprisingly, I don't know good or bad, but the school grouped all the poly students in a class. Quite an obvious discrimination?

On a side note, beside the 2 super chio OGL and AGL (really damn envious! ><), I personally think the group just lacks some bond between everyone :X. I think because we break camp quite frequently, and people come and leave throughout the camp. I still love Mulan more! :X 



Went to help out 4EXP for the charity flea held at Tampines One, and we are the oldest among everyone! Everyone else were wearing school uniforms o.o. 

Pretty amazed by their art and craft skill! They made this floral hairband themselves the night before, and prepared many many other props to win attention! (Y)

Daphne is damn pretty! *.*

Sunshine, our baby plushie! Yes, they made everything from scratch! (Y)

Butterfly girl for the day~ Yes they made the wings too! Damn pro right!

And they suddenly wanted me to do the butterfly makeup for them! Been so long since I last played with my makeup stuff, but the overall look wasn't too bad! :D My proud work!

Tmr will be the first day of school for me. Totally not prepared!!!! My mind is still not ready for this :/

And 5 more days :>

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