Thursday, January 10, 2013

Last week of holidays.

It's my last week to enjoy till the school starts next week. And the best thing is, because of his recruits' POP, my boyfriend gets 2 weeks of block leave! YEAHHHHH~ I think I'm the happiest when he got the block leave hahahah! 

Finally boyfriend booked out after the busy days preparing for the POP! Went to Pasir Ris to fetch my tired boyfriend, and we went to Bugis to meet his friends for dinner! Not my first time meeting some of them, but still I'm the socially awkward kind of person so it's quite hard for them to strike a conversation with me hahaha! But still I tried my best (after getting nagged by my bf for giving one word reply :'( ), and it wasn't that awkward in the end! His friends were really friendly and nice to me :). 

After the steamboat, his friends went for movie while Eugene and I went back home because the boy was really too tired! He was awake for more than 28 hours already! 

Finally, we get to start some WEEKDAYS together! It's really important for me because it means less crowd, cheaper and all those weekdays promotions/ deals! I don't really like to go out on weekends because it's just too crowded that I can't even walk!!!

Okay, we start off the day with my dear boyfriend making breakfast for me hehe!

His macho backview!

And I guess he wasn't a good chef after all...
Failed french toast + scrambled eggs + hot dogs
But still, I felt so loved for his effort! :')

Next, he wanted to go Sungei Boloh to walk walk see hills, but I am not an active person HAHAHAH, so in the end decided to go prawning at Bottle Tree instead. 

And guess what? We saw my dad eating snakes there, so he lent me his rod!
My boyfriend and my dad :D
And I'm quite good at prawning okay! Managed to catch more than 6 when I used my dad's rod for 20 minutes? But Eugene didn't catch much hahaha! We spent 2 and a half hour with only 10 prawns hahaha! In the end my dad gave us his prawns to bring home for dinner! 

My boy's singing session~

We wanted to spend the day shopping together, but he got called back to Tekong early in the morning :(. So, I was left alone in his house, bored and hungry!! His granny was nice, seeing that I'm alone and cooked porridge for me heh! And I spent the rest of the time playing wii with myself in his house while waiting for him to be done with his job...

His granny's porridge!
Off to Orchard to meet Eugene after he was done with his work! Planned to do some CNY shopping, but in the end I only bought 1 dress because he was commenting on EVERY SINGLE PIECE of clothes I looked at :(, and we only can agree on that dress. And the boy said he didn't want to shop much, but in the end he bought more than me, as usual! 

We met up with Eugene's godsis and her boyfriend for dinner. We went to eat EWF because I'm craving for it!

Har Jeong Kai Burger with Salt and vinegar fries! Momomom!

After that, went to walk around nearby and her boyfriend send us home! It's good to have a car D:

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