Monday, April 01, 2013

Happy April Fool's Day!

Okay, just a short update before I go back to work again!

My weekend wasn't that good, as I was quite upset over certain stuff. But I'm still glad it's solved and everything is back to normal again!

THU 28.03.13
Boyfriend book out day, like a finally! After I got home from school, rushed out to join Eugene and his family for dinner, sort of to celebrate his mum's birthday. Went all the way to grandfather's house, went to the coffee shop for dinner, went back to sit down and chit chat, and finally left at 9 plus!

FRI 29.03.13
My boyfriend had been craving for Korean BBQ for very long, so I specially brought him down to the famous 食客 restaurant at Chinatown! The one at Novena is under renovation and the one at Tanjong Pagar only has dinner, so have to go so far for it! Glad he likes the food there, although the variety of food is quite little, I think its the authentic taste and FREE FLOW of almost everything that's attractive!

Just ignore my eyebags....
My boy who don't look too happy here :/, he's just bad at smiling
OH NOM NOM NOM! After our lunch, we headed our to Marina Square because there was a ASICS sales and he wanted to get sports shoes. After that, we headed our to Plaza Sing, and it was my turn to get some stuff for my birthday party.
Met up with Gary and Simin for dinner, but I didn't eat anything because I was too full from the buffet in the afternoon!


SUN 31.03.13
Have y'all seen this before?

I saw this on internet some time ago, and I really want to try it! So I prepared this for my boyfriend, and guess what, IT'S REALLY VERY YUMMY! Call me chef Wong hahahaha -flip hair-


Hehe achievement unlocked! Feel so proud of myself because my mum and boyfriend said it's nice! I really wanna try cooking in the holidays! So excited! 

P.S. The one in the picture and the one I made looks different, because it's either Singapore bread too small, or the ham too big-.-

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