Saturday, June 29, 2013


Finally a trip with my family!

The whole family woke up at 4 plus a.m. to prepare, and finally boarded the bus at 6 plus! 

off we go~
And finally after 6 hours of bus ride, we reached Genting Highland! 

us waitng for the hotel rooms~
So after everything was settled, everyone split ways, the adults went to the casino, the kids were to shop around, and Eugene and I had nothing to do! So we went to the 'Ripley's believe it or not' exhibition!

LOL at my expression
we look like dwarfs hahaha
Actually I went there before but just accompanying Eugene to go there haha. He bought tickets for the haunted house too, but NO WAY I'M GOING IN! NOOOO NEVER! So had to throw away in the end, quite wasted but haunted house is really not my thing and I'll never step into it again in my life.

After slacking for few hours, everyone met up again to cab down to Mushroom Farm for dinner! The place was crowded, the food was good, but didn't take a photo of it though, paiseh to do the usual photo taking in front of adults hahaha! After dinner, I bought some little 炮 for Eugene to play because he have never seen it before! I guess people who grow up in Singapore would never see or try it before, but for me I go back to Malaysia to visit my grandparent once every year so I played with them since young! He was so excited and giggling while playing with it! Especially when my dad lighted those spinning 炮, he was like "WOW-ing" all the time HAHAHA! SO CUTE CAN! 

My cute ah gong!
And my boyfriend!

After dinner, my parents bought Eugene and I to tour around the casino. Yes, both of us are finally legal to enter! Last year both of us can't enter when he was just a few days away from being 21! Quite interesting, can I say I was quite amazed by the place? Just slot machines along there's like 1000 machines at least, somemore all different pattern one hor! All the machines have a different theme, some about chicken and eggs, some about mermaids, some about finding treasures, some about piggy banks and all! Eugene and I only played the slot machines as table gambling is too stressful especially everyone is uncles and aunties! I think I won RM150 at the end of the day? Eugene and I wanted to go some bar and drink, but in the end too tired and have to wake up early the next day so went to bed instead.


Woke up early to have Dim Sum with my family, then Eugene and I went to get tickets for the theme park! Everything is about queuing, and it's quite frustrating!! Buy ticket need to queue, put on the ticket bands need to queue, every rides also need to queue!

In the end, we queued one hour plus for Pirate Ship (and yet still get the front seats :( ), queued about 1.5 hours for space shot (the one that goes uppppppp feet tall and suddenly drops down! My heart almost stopped during that split second!), and queued half an hour for Go Kart but decided not to go because the person demanded no bags at all. AND WE GAVE UP AND DECIDED TO JUST WASTE OUR TICKET MONEY AND GO INDOOR. The queue indoor is much better, we took bumper cars twice (which I own him heheheh I'm a pro! :P), and flying dragon once. We got bored of everything, so we decide to walk around and play in the arcade instead! It's a much cheaper alternative to have fun! Played some shooting game, which I really suck at it, and  our usual crazy taxi, and just fooling around haha. 

Met up with my family for dinner, and had bak kut teh at the food court. After dinner, GUESS WHAT! IT'S CASINO TIME AGAIN! That's what the adults do hahaha (especially my ah gong ah, except for meals if not he would just be inside the casino :X) I won at first, didn't want to continue playing but everyone was playing (my mum, my dad and my boyfriend), so I got bored and decided to just play for a while. AND I LOST T.T (gambling is bad I KNOW IT NOW!), but the good thing was Eugene won quite a lot, we decided to stop and find a bar but really no nice bar and the beer so damn exp, like RM30 for A CAN YOU KNOW! So we decide to just sleep again HAHAHAHA!

Woke up early to prepare and set off! Two of us had to board the early because Eugene had to book in in the evening! And yup the rest of the journey was spent sleeping and playing games with Eugene on the phone. THE END.

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