Thursday, June 20, 2013


My mum may be getting a kitten for my little cousin (who is living with us) for her 8th birthday! YEAHHH wanted to get it quite long ago but worried that I can't take good care of it. And now my mum intended to get one, my bro supported the idea and of course I would like it too! YEAH hope she really gets one!

Why cat and not dog? 
Those who know me well will know that I'm pretty scared of dogs. My mum was bitten by a stray dog before, and the wound was so deep that there's a obvious teeth mark of the dog on her arm until today, like 30 years after the incident. I think that's the main reason why I'm so scared, even if its just a puppy. And last time my mum's friend had this puppy that baked so loudly even before I stepped into the house, and even ran out of the house and chased me for like 3 storeys! That really freaked me out a lot! 

On the other hand, cats are quiet and peaceful (and lazy), which I really like. 


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