Monday, December 31, 2012



2012 just came to an end. Too many things happened during this end, and I can't decide whether 2012 had been good or bad to me.

The End of Polytechnic and Start of University life.

Yes, I finally graduated from SP after 3 years of hardwork, and I'm glad I didn't let myself and my parents down and achieved what I want. It was the first time in my life that I received an award for my studies. I excluded those bursary awards and improvement awards in Primary and Secondary School because they were not very prestige hahaha! I wasn't very capable in my studies I admit, in fact I was slower than others when it comes to studying and work! But nevertheless, my hard work paid off and I was the top in my option! :)

And I got into the BBA in NUS too! I would never have thought that I will get into a local University, and  my parents were really happy that I did! But now one semester in the school, I am starting to doubt my decision already. "Is this course/ school really suitable for me?", I would always ask myself. Honestly, I wasn't coping very well in NUS. Everyone is too competitive and everything depends on the bell curve, not ourselves. And my results suck big time. Making TRUE friends is also hard, especially for people so soft spoken like me. But fortunately, I still got some close friends that I can share problems with :). And I made this decision myself, all I can do is to do my best for the rest of the 3 years.

Japan Trip. 

I managed to travel to Japan and Bangkok in 2012, squeezing dry the money in my bank account hahaha! The more significant trip will definitely be to Japan, because it was my first time there and I went there  with my good friend Eileen! It's the first time I traveled so far, with just a friend! And the first time I saw and felt snow, super cold but super awesome! Not my first time home staying  but it's was different because their parents really treated us well (Home stayed at Suzhou in Sec 2 and the host made me sleep at an area that got me at least 20 mosquito bites when I woke up), and I even made Japanese friends!

The 19 days was really great, burned a SUPER BIG hole on my wallet, but I was super happy to be there because 1) I LOVE Japanese food, just spam all the salmon there only! 2) The trip was well planned by Eileen, making everyday there so packed yet meaningful, and we got to visit A LOT of places! 3) Eileen and I got so much closer after the trip, because we had to see each other almost 24 hours everyday! We slept together, ate together, traveled together, shopped together!

Loss of a loves one. 

If you read my blogposts previously, you would have know, I lost 2 important people in my life. Firstly, Joshua, my friend, passed away in the mid of 2012. Just when we know each other better, just when we started to become closer, he left us. Yea, I got over it already, but it's still heartbroken to think about it.

Secondly, my grandma passed away in November. Although it was quite expected, since her cancer got worse and was hospitalised for a week before leaving us, it's still sad for the family. We used to gather in my grandma's house for dinner every Sunday, because she loved to cook. But now after she was gone, nobody cook in the family, and so we don't gather together on Sundays anymore. It was quite saddening to see the family bond break off like that.

Found my love.

The best thing that happened in 2012, would be to meet Eugene heh *insert shy face*! We were from the same Primary School, Secondary School, our schools in SP are just side by side somemore, but we never knew each other. So it was quite amazing that we met this year, dated for almost 4 months and finally got together. And now we've been together for 4 months, and so far so good :). We rarely quarrel, we are comfortable with each other, and we love each other more everyday heh! Hopefully everything will turn out well for us, be it next year, or in the future :)

P.S. I'm writing this post like an essay because one lecturer commented about my bad command of English so I decided to blog like a pro to improve my English! So pardon me yah hahaha!

P.P.S. This post was actually typed quite some time before the end of 2012, that's why I have time to wrote it to be so long!

P.P.P.S And I hope I'm not the only one reading this okay! OTL

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