Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone~ And I'm staying at home today because my parents are out and my boyfriend is booking in soon!

On 21 Dec last Friday, I had some OWeek interviews in school in the afternoon! The vice PD is hardworking okay hahaha! And after that, I decided to be a sweet girlfriend for a day, BY GOING ALL THE WAY TO PASIR RIS TO PICK MY BOYFRIEND FROM TEKONG.  This is definitely crazy okay, it's my first time, and my last time too HAHAHAH! Bitch please, I'm trying to be sweet, but travelling 1 hour plus there and waiting for 3 hours is not a simple task okay! Almost die of boredom there!! 

So sweet girlfriend mission achievement unlocked, and I'm the queen so I get to choose where to have dinner HAHAAH! I insisted on LENAS, since we were at Tampines, and it's hard to find it in other places! 

My smoked salmon pasta! Damn creamy its so damn good!
boyfriend's white wine mussels!
At first he was complaining about the queue and all, and when he tried the food he was praising it and saying it's nice! Of course, I have good taste okay!

Then the next day, 22 Dec Saturday, was a really busy day! In the afternoon, we dressed up and head over to attend his friend's wedding! Damn cool, marrying at the age of 21, but they looked damn sweet together! :D

Our #ootd for the wedding! :D 
my hamsumboi91 HAHAHA!

We left the wedding early, because there's more things for us to do!! Went back to his house, packed our house and cabbed to Pasir Ris for his birthday party! 

The tiko alert HAHA! Don't know why is he so childish and retarded sometimes hahaha! But always there to make me laugh!
He booked a chalet at Coasta Sand Resort for his birthday! Helped him to decorate the place and we were ready for the guests! There were fewer people than expected, because a lot of them can't make it last minute. Nevertheless, I guess my boy had a great time catching up with his friends :). I had an awkward time at first, because we don't have common friends, but his friends were really very friendly! And the day ended when his friends went off at 1 plus a.m., because my boyfriend was ACTING DRUNK just because he was tired and wanted to sleep, and I had to clean up the place ARGH! 

23 Dec Sunday, it's the second day of his chalet (he booked 3 days 2 nights!)! His parents came early in the morning, and we had breakfast together! Then, we went for 2 rounds of bowling! My average score is 76 hahahaha, I don't think it's too bad leh! And damn stress, because my boyfriend loves to compete with me, and in my blood I hate to lose, and yet he improved so much!!!! ARGH! 

After bowling, my arm was aching so badly, really lack of exercise hahaha! And we went to rent the bike for 2 hours and cycle around the park! My boyfriend was quite sweet, he insisted on the double bike so that he can ride it with me hehe! ^-^ #reasonswhyIlovehim

And next, boyfriend wanted to BBQ, so we went to buy a little stuff just for the 4 of us! Yummy yummy, but guilty and must take note of my tummy! I think I gained back the weight I lost already! T.T 

After his parents left, we went  to watch midnight movie - Wreck it Ralph! I swear it's the first time I see my boyfriend so concentrated and happy watching a movie man! I guess he's really a kid >_>, and really loves those animated shows! Real life action movies also not so concentrated okay! 

24 Dec Monday, it's the end of his chalet! Cabbed home, took a nap, and prepare for our Christmas eve date hehehe!

Our #ootd! He was using the Baggu Bag I got for him hehe! ^-^
Headed to Raffles City for Fruit Paradise because I was craving for it, and it's just right the season for desserts, in replacement for log cakes hahaha!

Our fruit tarts and lemon mint fruit tea! Yum yum!
Because a slice each wasn't enough for both of us, so had another slice of Baked Chocolate Montblanc!

And gift exchange time!
Hope he likes my present hehe! ^-^
And he gave me this bracelet! 
We got ourselves couple birkenstock too hehehe! 
Really enjoyed my day spent with him! First time spending Christmas with boyfriend! 

And the good times are over, let's wish all NUS students good luck (including me), because we are getting back our results tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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