Saturday, January 05, 2013

2013 New Year Resolutions

1. I guess the most important thing for now will be buck up on my studies and pull up my CAP/GPA :/. Really quite disappointed and felt that I let my parents down... They paid almost $5k per sem and I gave them such lousy CAP in return :'( Really need to work harder by 1000000x this coming sem!!!!!

2. Slim down and tone up! Just 2.5kg more to my dream weight! I can do it! Hopefully I can start my exercise plan once again, and jog at least 3 times every week!!!! And no more flabby tummy and thighs!

3. Be a better girlfriend for Eugene. I know I am not perfect. I throw temper quite easily, and behave like a small girl when things don't go my way, I have high expectations from him, and I'm quite clingy. SO, I'm trying to change for the better so that our relationship will be even more smooth and really last till the end.

4. Spend more time with my family, and more importantly be a better person for them. I really didn't give them much in my 20 years, so I hope I really can't wait to graduate from University, get a job, be successful, and give them good life after they retire :)

5. And also, those small little stuffs like better skin complexion, save more money etc

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