Friday, February 22, 2013

Best Valentine's Day

As Eugene was in camp on Thursday, we celebrated our first Valentine's Day together on last Saturday, 160213! I was quite excited the whole week, because I stalked that he had prepared a little stuff for the day already hohoho (call me Stalker Wong!).

So on that day, I woke up early to dress up, because I planned to spam photos that day hehe! Finally wore my new tube dress out!!

We met at late afternoon because he had driving lesson in the morning and he told me he had to do some stuff. And at the moment I saw him, he surprised me with a bouquet of flowers!

pretty flowers!
 I was really touched by that :'). Okay, I know it's a norm for others to receive flowers for Valentine's, but actually I knew Eugene felt that flowers are waste of money (which I have to agree) and very perishable. He don't believe in spending money on something that will die within few days, but still he bought it for me because he knew I will like it :).

I was the only one with flowers on the street, so I did felt a little shy to get the attention from strangers hahaha! So, I wanted to get a blazer but the shop was closed. In the end, we decided on an early dinner at Delicious @ Scott Square! After we ordered our food, while waiting for the food, we exchanged our gifts, and I was once again surprised by Eugene's gift! So actually in the afternoon, he rushed over the the store to get the gift for me and spent some time there personalizing it!

Yes, the book was just plain white at first, and he added the alphabets and heart shape and everything on, cutting the bricks one by one! I was really touched because this is the first time he actually DID something for me, not just buying it. I guess after these few months, he knows that I like to personalize and hand make stuff! I'm gonna use this as a scrapbook to record everything about us! :)

AND TADA! My gifts for him!!! :D

I prepared for him a handmade test tube macaroni, a jar of candies to keep him awake for his duty in his office, a facial foam, and a handmade card which isn't show in the picture! I really hope he likes my gifts, because I don't have the money to buy him expensive gifts, and it's so hard to get gifts for guys! So I only can get these little things for him!

(OKAY erm even his colleagues said I'm really sweet, so I guess SWEET GIRLFRIEND- ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED?! HOHOHO!)

And soon after, our food came!

My smoked salmon sandwich, which is super big!!
Yum yum! My sandwich was damn good because it's big, and the salmon are very nice!!! (Y)

After dinner, we roamed a while in Town for a while, because we couldn't decide on a place to go. In the end to save money, we decide to go a place which don't cost to enter hahahahah! We went to Esplanade that area, to walk around and take pictures. And then we met this super high strangers who were taking photos too, so we asked them to help us take. AND GUESS WHAT, i first time see strangers so onz, still ask me for my phone when I only pass her the Polaroid camera, and in the end she took like 5 photos on my phone and 2 Polaroids! HAHAHA its quite funny, but its really nice meeting such nice people :)

My face looking quite cui at the end of the day :(
My boy's super failed drawing! WHY MY LIPS SO THICK T.T

Okay that's the end of my Valentine's Day. Although it was just a simple date, I was really very happy and satisfied about everything.:) Really glad that Eugene came into my life, and getting together with him was one of the best things that happened :'). And I shall save up the rest of the mushy words for him only HAHAHA!

Thanks for everything, ILY ;)

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