Tuesday, May 14, 2013

First week of summer break!

Oh wait... before I go in what I did on first week of summer break, I would like to clarify something. WHY AH WHY people kept saying my birthday party looked like an engagement party / wedding?! T.T The spot light should be on ME, not on US T.T, finally one event whereby I'm the main lead, and Eugene and Kaiyuan's cleavage had to steal my limelight! I guess its the theme (coz lilac is quite a wedding colour) and the hair that looked like engagement k!

And ah, my friends very the cute ah, I put a wishlist and almost everyone go according to it! I received 1 earphone, 3 necklaces (if including my mum's key necklace to me would be 4), 2 bracelets, 1 bangle, 1 clutch, and 1 small makeup palette! Of course this is not all that I had received, but all these items are on my "wish list" which Kaiyuan demanded that I post!

Okay back to my first week of summer break!!

Tuesday 06.05.13
Met up with Eileen! She wanted to buy FBTs so we went all the way to Queenstown Shopping Center. There's nothing much there, so we decided to head to Singapore Polytechnic as she needed to pass her lecturer something. And coincidentally, I saw Mr. Roger along the corridor and he brought us to see Ms. Dora and then to see the new ERIC! Ahhhh, time really passed so fast, it's like just one year ago we were spending days and nights in ERIC and now they have a new room!

Mr. Roger was behaving like a father that day, he was telling us life stories lessons we have to know! It was quite funny because I don't hear any lecturer telling his students things like "what to look out for in a guy" and "when to leave a guy" HAHAHA! Don't you think its something a father will say to his daughters? Hehe had a great time catching up with him, and we spent few hours chit chatting before heading back to Clementi to meet Xianren.

Another Catch up session there, and finally went home at 7 plus.

Thursday 09.05.13
Spent the whole day making these:

But in the end kinda failed because I had too little oreo and too much cheese, it tasted like cheese cake with no sight of oreo taste mehhhhh. I'll try again soon with a better estimate of the amount of ingredients to use!!! But my boy very sweet, it don't really taste great but he said he will finish all and still give a "delicious" face after eating! :')

Friday 10.05.13

Another DIY day! Spent my day making this because my boy complained that he don't have a Polaroid of us on my birthday (everything was too rush that day that I forgot about it!). Hehehe I have to say its quite nice right!!!! ^^I'm proud of my hands!  And I'm glad he likes it :). 

At night, my parents treated me dinner at Bottle Tree Seafood Restaurant! YUMYUM They ordered really good food for their 千金!!

veggie and satay!
Butter Crab!
Lobster!!!!!  I love the sauce!
There's one more dish (some pork thingy) but I didn't take a photo because I was too engrossed with my lobster and crab and my hands are dirty!!! Love my parents hehehe 

After dinner, we went for prawning. And okay I admit it, Eugene and I suck at it because we got like so few prawns after 1 or 2 hours hahahah!

He caught a mini lobster!

And my dad decided to bomb me with a mission "drive us home later". I was like "WHATTTTT", it's my first time driving at night (I don't even know how to on the headlights HAHAHAHA), and I drank a little of beer (Okay, my dad drank a lot more...). But fortunately, I managed to have a safe ride home, and almost perfect parking HAHA! And seriously, I need a GPS badly because I can't even recognise the roads in Woodlands...

Saturday 11.05.13
Finally the day I had been waiting for, FINALLY CAN GO PAKTOR! After all the studying and exam and my birthday, we finally can spend a day on a date!

I guess my boy was happy too, BECAUSE HE ACTUALLY INITIATED TO TAKE PHOTO! (normally he always said "don't  want la so paiseh, ppl looking leh" etc when I want to take photo :( MUST GRAB THIS OPPORTUNITY, TAKE MORE TAKE MORE!

Had lunch at JustAcia because we wanted a  cheap lunch and better dinner that day. And headed to The Cathay for our movie, Iron Man 3! Hehehehe so long since we watched a movie together!

After the movie, we don't know where to go, so we went to find Simin and Gary. Yeahhh Eugene finally brought me to Todai for dinner!! He talked about bringing me there even before we got together, and we are like 9 months together, I'm finally there! While waiting for the seats, we went out to take OOTD!

My ootd! Chiffon off shoulder dress from Lacepipe! Really love it a lot because it looks so feminine and angelic hahahah!
Us hehehe!
And finally, TODAI!

The food is really good! Wide variety (so wide that we couldn't try everything), fresh Alaskan crabs (my favourite crabs -scream-), it was just right the abalone festival too (free flow abalone~~~~), and the desserts are awesome! Everything is great except the price, it cost $80 nett per pax!! A bit crazy, but it's really worth it for the selection and crabs and all!!!! It's my boyfriend's treat so I can eat at ease without worrying about my wallet bleeding HAHAHA!

The crabs very de big! I think I ate 10 of them?? JUST CAN'T STOP!
And the abalones! One whole abalone, not in slice okay! 

YUMYUM NOMNOMNOM! I really love it there that I can't be bothered that I'm on a diet! I ate definitely more than $100 worth of food! I WILL GO BACK AGAIN IF I HAVE THE MONEY!
*Saving plan: SAVE FOR TODAI*

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