Monday, May 20, 2013

Second Week of Freedom.


I got nothing to do at home, except sleep slack eat. No wonder my weight is gaining again!
I really hope to find an event job, and I emailed many companies, but no one reply me yet :/

And so there's one day when I was as usual whining to my Mum about me having nothing to do, and she said "Nothing to do then cook for the family larh!" WOAHHH FIRST TIME MY MUM SAID THIS KIND OF THING, and of course I was very onz about it because I had always been interested in cooking! So the next morning, we really went to the supermarket together to buy groceries and prepare the ingredients for the dishes that night!

All cooked by me!

Surprisingly, my Mum was super patient that day to go through all the steps with me and watching me cook! And she laughed because I looked too engross and enthu into cooking! And the above dishes were cooked by me, while following the steps from my Mum! YEAHHHHH~ I'M A CHEF~ And it tasted good okay!!

And the next day, we didn't buy enough meat/ fish etc, so I only cooked veggies! This time my Mum trusted me and left me in the kitchen alone to cook HAHAHA!

Okay, thats the end of my week. Because all I do it stay at home...

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