Monday, June 03, 2013


It had been a month since my summer break started, and for the past one week I had been working and working and working!

24 May
Vesak Day, and my boyfriend booked out YEAHHH~ So I joined Eugene to meet up with his friends at Holland V. His friends were quite interesting and friendly, so I did had a good time. After that, Eugene and I went to Town to shop for some stuff required for my job, and went home after a tiring long day!

My dinner: White ramen & Yuzu tea @ Menya Musashi. The ramen was good, the soup is thick and tasty! 

25 & 26 May
Spent my weekend working! I took up a last min event job, and was banquet crew for 2 hotels for the 2 days! Tiring job, and will not do it again! D: Luckily the pay was $8 and $8.50 for the 2 days as they needed people urgently!

27 &28 & 29 May
Work again! This time I a 3 days job, and my duty is to give out flyers to the targeted audiences! I feel its something like doing sales as I had to approach them to pass them the flyers. Faced the most number of rejections in my life for that 3 days, but nonetheless the pay was $8/ hour so still can accept!

Ate Weida's fries last week, and was craving for it since then. So diet failed and I went to get MacDonald's new Citrus Thai Fries after work on one of the days. Yum yum, taste like Tom Yum but not too spicy that I can accept it.

On Wednesday, we had an impromptu meetup to watch Star Trek together! Didn't watch the first one, so I was quite worried that I won't understand the movie at first, but luckily the movie had only a few reference to the previous one, so I could understand most of the parts.

Had lunch at Fruit Paradise before the movie:
Seafood Cream Spaghetti 

Fruit Tarts! ♥ Really don't know why I love desserts so much heh

Had dinner at Ambush, and I was too full to eat so I only had Ice Cream Soda!

31 May &1 & 2 Jun
Rested at home for a day, and it's work again! I don't know why I planned my schedule this way, TOO TIRING ALREADY! But oh well, I earned some money so can't complain much!

But it was definitely a great experience because I had a fun time working with Eileen and her friends! Her friends are damn funny seriously!

the team!

The first day of work was quite bad for me at first. I was standing there half way, when suddenly my vision started to blur and I became dizzy, and the next moment I couldn't see a thing when my eyes were opened! I really got a shock, almost cried, and I could only cling on to Eileen and ask her for help :(. Luckily the other staff brought me to one corner to rest, and my vision started to come back and everything was okay again. Really very scared because it was the first time that happened, and I thought I was going to faint!! D: Really need to take care of my body :(

And my boyfriend was very sweet to come all the way from Woodlands to Expo to fetch me from work (although I requested it :X) Walked around the food fair for a while, I got these goodies! 

Both for $15, comes with cooling bag to bring these home!
Had dinner at Yomenya Gomen! Had a hard time deciding between which to order, because everything looks so good! 

in the end, ordered Hokkaido cheese cream soup spaghetti! 

 After the last day of work, we spent some time walking around the Food Fair and got to try some of the stuff! Yum yum! After that, Eileen, Wayne and I headed back to SPELL as we wanted to collect our tote bags, which Roger and Dora said to give us when we went back to school! And then slacked around a while before heading home!

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