Monday, January 02, 2012

Goodbye 2011. Hello 2012. 

I know this is a bit too late, but I was too busy for the past few days!

2011 was a great year!

- Red hair girl became black hair girl on first day of 2011!

- We had our first SPMAC Runway! The runway was successful and our hard work finally paid off after so long!

- I GOT MY LICENSE ON 27 JAN! WOOHOO~ one of my best day hahaha!

- Did whitening for my teeth! Expensive, but definitely worth it! Make me feel happy and confident now! :D

- Results were surprisingly good for 2011, damn happpppyyyy! At least I am more confident of getting into local university now!

- Attended DBA Camp again! My last camp in SP! And in total, I attended 6 camps in total since I joined SP hahaha! Adventurousgirl92! :D

- Joined SPeLL in October! It may be a chore for others, but I think most of time I spent in SPeLL was enjoyable! I made many new friends, gained many experiences and got closer to my fellow classmates!

- Best memory for 2011? It's definitely the Seattle trip! I didn't expect it to be such a fun trip at first, but I was totally wrong! I love the place, with all the new friends I made, that I feel so sad leaving Seattle hahaha!
And its great that we are still hanging out regularly after the trip, because friendship needs effort to maintain!

- Worst memory for 2011? Besides the heartbreaking fact that I failed my SPRING scholarship interview, there's also a lot of things that happened in my family, which I prefer not to mention here. Hope everything will get better this year!

That's the end of 2011! 

Now, my new year resolutions for 2012!

- I hope to get good grades, and hopefully get into the local university of my course! And being a little bit ambitious, I hope to get a scholarship too!!!!! University is too expensive for me that I think I need to work part time if I get in without scholarship! :(

- Hmmmmm, every year I will say this: I want to get a boyfriend. But this year, I can't be bothered anymore!!!! Heck care about relationship and celebrate my 5th year of single hood hahaha!


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