Friday, August 24, 2012


My school officially started, and only one word to describe : STRESS. SUPER STRESS, SIBEI STRESS, TMD STRESS. LIFE SUCKS I WANT TO QUIT SCHOOL ALREADY T.T

But of course I won't larh! I won't let my hard work go into waste after all these years, that's why I am pushing myself further and putting a lot of stress on myself :/. University life, is totally different from Poly I have to say. It's like 1000000000000 X more competitive, and you are competing with people so much more clever than you as they are from the top JCs.

And I have been trying to plan my schedule well, to enjoy my social life yet study hard. And I pushed away all the CCAs opportunities offered to me because I was worried I couldn't cope.


Won't be updating that much because 1) my life will be boring with only study and study, 2) I will be busy fighting the war with my studies.

Follow me on twitter or instagram instead! :D

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