Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Rest in Peace.

My grandma just passed away 10 minutes ago as I type this post. Don't worry guys, I'm alright :).

I kinda expected it, because my grandma was at the last stage of cancer and the cancer cells spreaded last week, and the doctor said her chance of surviving was low. It was quite heart pain to see her suffer all the pain when she was hospitalized these 2 weeks, all the tubes linking to her body, and she can't even breathe without the help of the equipment!

The whole family was called down on Saturday night because my grandma stopped breathing for a while. I was panicked and worried, but I'm glad my boyfriend went down with me and was beside me throughout the night. Looking at her condition that night, the whole family more or less knew the answer that she couldn't hold on for long.

And just now, she left us. I was hoping she could fight for another two weeks, till after my exams and I will have more time for her. But it's too late, I was a bad granddaughter as I couldn't take the time out to visit her frequently these 2 weeks.

I remembered I was close to my grandma when I was young. My family stayed with my grandparents for a while before moving to the first house of our own. But no matter where we moved, our house will always be near my grandparents' one, so that we get to visit them every week and to have dinner together, because my grandma LOVES to cook.

But as I grow older, I got more commitments, and lesser time to visit them, to help out at their canteen, or eat dinner with them. This is something I really regret, well as people said, you only learn to treasure after you lose it.

But my regrets can't bring her back. Rest in peace ah ma, always the ah ma I deeply love.

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