Monday, December 17, 2012

Little Surprise

My boyfriend's 21st birthday is coming in few days' time. As it's the first time I'm celebrating with him, and it's 21st somemore, I decided to do something special for him! And I knew he had been talking about wanting to try my cooking for many times, so I decided to cook for me! So, the final plan was to have a surprise picnic for him! And guess what, he knew about it 2 days before the surprise..... WHAT THE?!?!?!?! Either he's too smart or I really suck at keeping things -_-

Jiang Jiang! My best friend came my house early in the morning to help me with  the cooking (and she's worried I burn down my kitchen...)! Still I'm so touched! :')

So after preparing the food, I quickly prepared myself and debated for quite some time on where to picnic. In the end, the boy chose to go to the hill behind his house -.-, how romantic!

We were the only humans there, it was more than awkward! 
And guess what? My plan failed terribly (AGAIN) as it started raining 2 minutes after we settled down! Damn suay can! The weather damn bad nowadays!

So we moved to the benches under his void deck! And honestly I felt like we were a pair of maid and bangala, meeting under the void deck for dates! Oh damn, overcome the awkwardness and ignore the stares from other people!

The food! Pasta prepared by Kaiyuan, Cheese grilled sandwich done by yours truly, and fruits (even remove seeds okay!)!
And I admit! The pasta wasn't done by me, I only cut the mushrooms, cherry tomatos, and hams for the pasta >_> Oh well, there's still some effort inside okay! But I have to say, Kaiyuan is damn good at it! The pasta really taste damn good, that Eugene's family finished the whole pasta hahahaha! 

And the sandwich wasn't easy too (have to defend myself)! It's special inside out grilled cheese sandwich which I learned from the internet! 

My boy reading the birthday card I made, and with the Baggu bag I bought for him! Looking at his smile, all my effort paid off :') Really glad he liked everything I prepared! 
And the birthday card which took me 1 week to complete! All these origamis aren't easy okay! 
And all these orgamis represent the things he loves hehe! And of course with the message censored because it's too mushy hahaha!

And him with my sandwich! He liked it, and finished it! :') Make me feel so appreciated!

I think I prepared too much that we can't even finish half! But his parents helped us to finished them hahahaha! Went to his house to slack before sending him to book in once again!

hahaha my boyfriend is so retarded! >;D
pout to all the plans that went wrong :(
Happy (early) birthday to him! Love him so much :)

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