Wednesday, December 05, 2012

12 Days.

10 days since I last seen my boyfriend, and another 2 more days before we can meet! D: I really hate fieldcamp larh!

And so exams were over for a week, and since then all I did was staying at home, rolling on my bed, and the furthest I went was Causeway Point =3=, nua to the highest level LOL! The weather was really bad that I didn't wanna go out, because every time I went to even Causeway Point it will rain like crazy and I will be drenched and now I feel sick! D: SO NO, BEST CHOICE IS TO STAY AT HOME HAHA!

Managed to meet up with some friends this week!
Met up with Joanne after my paper last Friday, and had Bak Kut Teh because she was craving for it! Haha what a weird craving she had there, but still need to satisfy because craving unsatisfied will make a woman angry!

Yum yum Bak Kut Teh at Clarke Quay area!

Met up with the boys last Saturday, as Quo Way returned from his field camp! Had a great catch up, I neglected them for too long due to my exams hahahaha! I wanted to go sing K, but Quo Way was bugging us for movie instead, so I gave in ._.. STILL I WANT SING K LARH! Have to wait damn long after Chang Hong's field camp then can go D:


And then finally, met up with Eileen on Monday! Had a short catch up, and we had Starbucks because it was 1 for 1 on that day! 

And you! 1 for 1 but made me insomnia the whole night T.T

Polaroids again~ Trying to take them as often as possible if not it will be rotting in my drawer!

And I was reading through my past entries, and I was so angry! Because I don't know why but all my photos was disappeared into just a box with a cross in the middle! I don't know what happened, but I took some time to replace the photos of the latest entries, and then I realised theres really too many of them! VERY SAD YOU KNOW D:


I posted some photos for this Japan Photo Contest! Of course I don't dream of winning the top prize, I just want to win some small stuffs like the buffet and such! So help me like ALL my photos okay, can like them once a day! Read my descriptions too because I added a little story of the photo to each of them! LIKE THEM HERE NOW

谢谢 感谢你!

(extra big so that you won't miss HAHAHA!)

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