Saturday, December 01, 2012

The Secret Revealed.

Does anyone remember me blogging about the book The Secret? If you didn't, you can read it here.

So anyway, the book is about the law of attractions and how you can make things happen by just thinking about it! And so, I tried it out in June, but I totally forgot about it until I reread my blogposts (yes I do it sometimes when I'm bored haha!)! So, now to reveal whether the secret really works!!

This is what I wrote in June:
3 things I wanna achieve in my life now:

1.) Shall keep this to myself first, and only Kaiyuan knows about it! Let see if something will happen! :O

2.) Be more feminine! Wear skirts and dresses! No more sneakers (or less frequent)! Be like a real lady~

3.) Lose 5kg (or 4 now)! Really need to shed some fats and fit into my S size shorts! T.T 

Yup, 3 short term goals to achieve within 3 months, and see if The Secret really works! We will see how it goes after 3 months :)

Hmm, let's see! For 1.), I think it's time to reveal it! It was actually to get together with Eugene hahahaha! -shy- I sound so bhb and desperate putting this into my wish hahahaha, but we were dating for some time already when I did this, but I still wasn't sure how he felt about me! So I decided to add him into the list and see if it really works! And guess what, we are happily together for 3 months now! :)

Then, movning on the 2.)! Hmmmm can't really say I really did become feminine now, but I did changed, out of the sudden! Now I actually don't wear my sneakers and boots or shoes as often, but I'm wearing my pumps and all instead! And, I was suddenly attracted to dresses, especially tube dresses! I even bought 2 tube dresses online recently! See, I really don't know why the change too! Even my boyfriend and my best friend are shocked about this hahaha!!

And lastly, 3.)! I was jogging quite frequently during May and June period because I wanted to lose some weight! I had been trying to lose weight for very very long time, because my weight is like either increasing or stagnate at that certain point, and it's quite depressing because I gained 5kg since I entered poly! But all those jogging didn't seems to help at all, my weight is still the same, or even increasing that I gave up and stopped jogging (and partially due to my busy schedule)! But about 2 months ago, I started cutting down on my carbo intake everyday, reducing the amount of rice I eat (I used to eat A LOT, not even kidding), and guess what, I dropped 3kg within a month!!! LIKE A FINALLY! And somemore without any exercise!!

Still, I can't be sure whether The Secret works, because I'm sure there's other factors that lead to achieving the 3 goals! But I think, The Secret is one thing that encourage me and motivate me to work towards them! Try it out and see if it works for you too! :)

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